Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Life as a freshman student-athlete (Part 1)

Today is the first of a two-part entry in which our freshmen discuss their first year as a college student-athlete. This year's four freshmen all came to Kent State from different states, spanning from Florida in the South to California on the West Coast.

Drew Norberg
So far, my college experience has been awesome! I have really connected with my teammates and already made friends I will be close to the rest of my life. I love my dorm and my roommate. Being this far from home is hard, but I have been enjoyed starting a new life.

Volleyball has kept me busy and I love getting better each day. We have been on the road a lot so far and go somewhere different almost every weekend. It has been so much fun going and seeing new places and scenery.

Making the decision to leave home was difficult, but I’m glad I came to Kent State and am excited for what else is to come. Let's go FLASHES! 

Payton Moore
My college experience so far has been much less scary than I imagined. For some reason, I'm super directionally challenged and was worried I'd never learn the lay of the land, but the general flow of students from place to place usually helps.

I listened to what everyone told me and (a bit unwillingly) sat in the front for my first lecture. Kids who sit in the front seem to be labeled as brown-nosers, but it's those seats that allow you to actually see and hear what the professor is presenting. I've also discovered that I love my professors more because they care so much about what they're teaching. The only people in the room who may care more than the prof is the students (an unspoken plus).

In the beginning, I was a little nervous about dorm life. I immediately cried upon looking at my room after dragging five enormous brown boxes into my 11.5' by 17'. I was really overwhelmed because my parents unknowingly booked a two-week anniversary trip to Ireland before they found out I moved into my dorm that week! With help from people on the team, I moved in safely and my dorm is my happy place. I love it because it's a good place for me to study, have fun, and with the help of a mattress pad, a good place to sleep.

Practicing with the team has been beyond fun. It’s exciting to compete at such a high level. In high school, I was given little challenge and this is a big step up for obvious reasons. Everybody on the team is here for a common reason, and that's awesome.

I have so much fun with the girls and it's crazy that we all get along so well. The upperclassmen welcomed me with open arms and I have full confidence that any of them would do anything for us newcomers. The team gives more than just a new sense of competition - it gives me insight on what it means to be a part of a family.

I can't wait to see how the rest of my freshman year goes. I'm truly thankful for this opportunity and wouldn't change it for a thing... even if I've only just begun. :)

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